Sunday, 5 February 2017

Say No to Distance Learning

Say no to Distance Education MBA/PGDM/PGDBA

Distance education has failed both the students as well as the employers. The employers do not recruit the distance education students and if they are recruited, the recruitment is purely on merit basis, rather than Degree preference.

90% of the students fret that their distance degrees are a waste and have not delivered value as perceived while enrolling for the program.

The major reasons analysed are as follows:

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   Not a Practical option. 

1. Distance Education means studying on your own, without a class, without teachers, without classmates. 

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Distance Education is a Cash Cow for the Universities.

2. Universities have treated Distance Education as cash cow and do not see much role in delivery other than printing and delivering degrees. Amity University for example does not even gives hard copy of books for online MBA program and the students are supposed to study through online study material alone. 

Distance Education sold over MOM and POP Shops in every nook and corner of the country.

3. Distance education degrees are sold as a product over the counter in forgery shops and you can easily go to these shops spread across the country and buy any degree for a cheap price and delivered in 3 months flat. So why study?

Exams are a mere Eye Wash

4. Exams are a formality. For plenty of Universities offering Distance Education, Exams are no more than a formality and these exams can be taken from your house as well or from the university franchisee centers.  Online exams are not allowed by Distance Education Bureau but universities flaunt these rules and conduct the exams to complete the formality.

No Deadlines of Processes

5. No Deadlines of any schedule: Most of the universities even do not follow the schedule of delivery of books, and exam schedules and delivery of marksheets and degrees. Students enrolled in Mahatma Gandhi University Meghalaya have been harassed to torturous level and their marksheets and degrees have taken over 4 years  and plenty of them are still chasing the university without much help. The Mahatma Gandhi University is loaded with complaints against them.  

Universities flaunt the Government rules openly.

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6.  Distance Education Bureau has laid down  territorial restrictions on Universities. But leading Universities flaunt these rules openly by opening their own offices or Information centers across the country like Sikkim Manipal University and other Leading Brands. Online exams are not allowed by Distance Education Bureau but universities flaunt these rules and conduct the exams in online mode to complete the formality.

Fraudulent practices by Distance Universities and Overnight closures by Government

7. Government has closed Distance Education Universities overnight as they were found to be involved in fraudulent activities. 

Some of the big names closed in last 5 years are 

Very Few Students are able to complete their PGDM's/PGDBA's in big distance Learning Institutes.

8. Lot of  students are not able to complete their qualifications and achieve the Diplomas even in Big Distance Education Institutes. Primarily because they fail to submit assignments or appear in exams.  

The best solution for working executives are part time programs with 3 following suggestions listed below
  1. Weekend Classes
2. Industry Experience Faculties
3. Ranked and Govt Approved Institutes
Some of the suggested Programs are as follows:
  1. Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resources & Administration (PGDHR) from Mumbai Deemed to be university Globally ranked Tata Institute of Social Sciences-SVE, Duration 1 year, Classes on Sundays, Industry Faculty. Training & HR Placements Provided by CpCareers
  2. Post Graduate Diploma in Sales & Marketing (PGDSM) from Mumbai Deemed to be university Globally ranked Tata Institute of Social Sciences-SVE, Duration 1 year, Classes on Sundays, Industry Faculty.Training & Placement Provided by CpCareers
  3. Post Graduate Diploma in Banking Financial Markets and Insurance (PGDBFI) from from Mumbai Deemed to be university Globally ranked Tata Institute of Social Sciences-SVE, Duration 1 year, Classes on Sundays, Industry Faculty.Training & Placement Provided by CpCareers

Monday, 26 December 2016

Tata Institute of Social Sciences-SVE PGDHRA Student Shreya Singh Presen...

Study Training Need Analysis and check your learning online on launches online study and practice question papers for the students:

About Eduroof: 

Education Subsidary of CPCareers Private Limited, authorized HUB Training Partner of Tata Institute of Social Sciences-School of Vocational Education.

The online features provided are as follows:

1. The students can study the topics online,
2. Practice Questions and answers online
3. Know Your Scores online.
4. Get the opinion of other students online through the blogger

Please check out the PPT and the questions and answers online


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